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January 17th 2018 I simply adore the boys ion all their movies... I’ve seem them all probably a thousand times but it’s still nice to spend time with them both. Louth England (England) |
January 16th 2018 My dad donnie smith "Wheezer" thatplayed in oir gang/ little rascals said he in played a couple of movies with laural and hardy. Anybody have proof or info? Robin Brockman (Mulberry) |
January 8th 2018 Happy to find this site. Jon (Virginia USA) |
December 6th 2017 Pure genius! My brother Freddie and I spent many evenings watching their brilliance; we still love them to bits and always will! Thank you both for lighting an eternal flame of innocent, harmless and clean fun! God reward you both! xx Matthew F Parkinson (Bolton/England) |
November 18th 2017 I remember watching Laurel and Hardy when I was very young. Mikey Mcternan (Edinburgh, Scotland) |
November 12th 2017 I'll never forget my younger days watching Laurel and Hardy. Today I'm sixty, but can't go to bed without watching one episode. Hats off to them. Luv, Matt. Mathew Thomas (Bangalore, India) |
Semptember 18th 2017 love you saeed aghighi (iran) |
Semptember 14th 2017 I remember seeing a fantastic, comical and creative solo dance by Stan Laurel on French television, but unfortunately I do not remember the title of this film, and the Internet only gives me "Laurel and Hardy dancing on at the ball ,that's all by the Avalon Boys." Does anyone have an idea? Claude (France Clermont-Ferrand)
@Claude (Clermond- Ferrand): As far as I can recall,Stan did a solo dance just for a few seconds in "The flying deuces" while Ollie was singing the song "Shine on harvest moon" and then he (Ollie) joined the dance too. I hope I've been a bit helpful. Nasa Vlachou (Athens Greece) |
Semptember 3rd 2017 Thanks for allowing the screening (I assume) of the Laurel and hardy film gems on UK TV Channel Talking Pictures. They are true and innocent classics from an age, sadly long gone. tony thomas (birminhgham uk) |
Semptember 1st 2017 I'm sure I saw something on Facebook about a season of laurel and hardy films starting tonight on tv? Has anyone any details? George Rogerson (England) |
August 19th 2017 Just thinkin about the boys today, and how I miss growing up and watching them. I'm still able to catch them once in awhile on tv. They were the best? Always made me laugh and many catch phrases pop into my head Still today. A wonderful by-gone era. Rob (USA) I AM A VERY GRAT FAN FROM OLIVER, can maybe anyone tel me,wehre a fanclub IS? greetings Annette |
August 15th 2017 I have an old light switch cover plate. It's steel with a porcelain or ceramic coating that got both Laurel & Hardy painted into the porcelien. It's a single switch cover. I would like to know more about it. When was it produced or what's it worth It's in great shape. I haven' t been able to find anything like it. Please email me with interest or information of it. Thank you Kenny White (Denair, Calif 95316) |
August 10th 2017 No one can match this duo. A great couple. Too bad I did not know them live, but I like the movies. Look regularly and the humor of Laurel & Hardy makes my day good :) |
August 8th 2017 Might anyone be interested in a pair of Laurel & Hardy bookends / figurines we have on offer. Just copy paste the wording below into eBay (UK). Any comments (good or bad) most welcome: LAUREL & HARDY BOOKENDS FIGURINES ORNAMENTS SILENT COMEDY Mike (England) |
August 7th 2017 Without Stan the "Stan and Ollie" miracle would never have existed. Without Ollie it would never have been completed.60 years today since Ollie's passing (August 7th 1957). He will always be remembered with love and respect. Nasa Vlachou (Athens Greece) |
August 4th 2017 Talking pictures Tv has announced that they are pleased to be able to show Laurel and Hardy from Sept 1st,in the UK,after gaining permission from Hal Roach studio`s.Can`t wait for them to be back where they belong on tv in the UK. Clive (England) |
August 3rd 2017 BBC Replied to me: Hi Mark, Many thanks for getting in touch with us and I apologise for the delayed response. Sometimes we can't reply as quickly as we'd like to. My grandmother introduced me to Laurel and Hardy when I was younger and I have loved them ever since. She used to record all of the episodes for me and I would spend hours on her sofa, watching and re-watching them. I have great memories of my grandmother, and Laurel and Hardy! I'm afraid the BBC does not hold the rights to any Laurel and Hardy material at the present time and so we are unable to broadcast them. I'm so sorry if this is disappointing. I, too, would like to see them on my TV again. I can see that a lot of DVDs are available to purchase from online retailers, including a collection box set. If you simply type 'Laurel and Hardy DVD' into your search engine, it will bring up a list of all the places you can purchase DVDs from. I'm sorry that I couldn't be of more help on this occasion, Mark, but thanks again for contacting us. Mark Fordham (UK) |
August 1st 2017 Lois Laurel Hawes, Stan's sweet daughter, passed away on July 28th 2017. She is with her beloved dad in heaven now. God bless her soul. Rest in peace Lois. Nasa Vlachou |
July 29 th 2017 Yesterday, 28th July 2017, Stan Laurels daughter Lois Laurel Hawes died. May she rest in peace now. Finally together with er parents. Christin |
July 21st 2017 Sent this message to BBC via their website:- "Please could you tell me who hold the rights to screen the old Laurel and Hardy black and white comedy shorts. As a teenager, I distinctly remember them being shown on BBC2 at 5.40pm during the week. Are you still able to show these? If not, what TV company are? I am sure that even today's younger generation will find L&H funny and plenty of older people would appreciate these being shown on any BBC platform. Please consider showing these again if you can" Mark Fordham (UK) |
July 16th 2017 Good to see Laurel and Hardy back on tv in England!Talking pictures tv is showing two Laurel and Hardy films during late July.Lets hope we see more of them. Clive (England) |
July 12th 2017 I am looking for information about an 8 min Laurel and Hardy film titled "Over the Top" made by Entertainment Films Company. I am guessing it was made around 1929/1930. Any help would be greatly appreciated. F. Angles (USA) |
June 16th 2017 127 years ago today (6/16/1890-6/16/2017)not just a master of comedy but THE master of comedy (we should never forget that the great Buster Keaton,at Stan's funeral in Febr.26th 1965, was overheard talking about Stan's talent, admitting that:"Chaplin wasn't the funniest, I wasn't the funniest, this man was the funniest")and one of the most wonderful and lovable men was born. 90 years have already passed since he officially teamed up with Babe and 52 years since his passing and there has never been,or will be,anyone else like him.This alone proves, in my opinion, that Stan,as a comedian, reached perfection. Nasa Vlachou (Athens Greece) |
June 6 th 2017 Going Bye Bye is my favourite short Helen Frankenburg (Wales) |
May 24th 2017 The 5 funniest Laurel and Hardy feature films. 1. FRA DIAVALO. Paul (UK England) |
May 4th 2017 Hi, I wonder if you can help in naming a certain L&H film? They are both sat in a front room of a house and Stan can't find his glasses. Much to Ollie's disgust, they are perched on his forehead. When Stan eventually finds them, puts them on his chair and sits on them, Ollie says, "It serves you right", to which Stan replies after examining the broken spectacles, "no wonder I couldn't see with them, they're yours" Mark Ryan (UK, Worcestershire)
Nasa Vlachou (Athens Greece)
Mark Ryan (UK, Worcestershire) |
May 1st 2017 I wonder it has not been mention in the "news" section, that the entire second reel of "The Battle of the Century" was found last year? I look forward to a more complete DVD release soon! Peter Mikkelsen (Denmark) |
April 25th 2017 I believe there was a picture of a hat stand at the end of there films, I am trying to find a picture of the actual stand for a tattoo I am having, if you could help I would be very grateful. W Deley (Derby England) |
April 8th 2017 hiya fellas ,got many dvd but always missed the one where doctor is listening to ollies chest ,stan leans forwrd in a rocking chair with squeaky toy under it ,they think its his chest ,any ideas ,cheers steve Steve Richardson (Deal UK)
Nasa Vlachou (Athens Greece)
Steve Richardson (Deal UK) |
April 4th 2017 Hello! I`m looking for a vid. It shows Stan dressed as a woman with a fan in his hand. Does anyone know where I can find this vid? Thanks a lot :) Nat (Germany)
Daniel |
March 27th 2017 Indeed my favorite Laurel & Hardy short film is entitled: "TWICE TWO" Steven (NY) |
March 5th 2017 I have a photo of Laurel & Hardy dressed in coveralls, next to a woman and man with something splattered on his face, in front of a staircase. What movie is this from? (0n lower right is HR-L6-22) Rosanne Meigel (Lindenhurst)
Mark Fordham (UK) |
March 2nd 2017 There will never be words that can precisely describe what Laurel and Hardy really were,are and always be for the art of comedy and for the world. So all I can do is to express my admiration and true love for them. Nasa Vlachou (Athens Greece) |
February 27th 2017 hi Babs (St. Albans. Hertfordshire) |
February 23rd 2017 Babes In Toyland Ollie: "Me and the Toymaker are fingers) Stan: (looking at Ollies crossed fingers) "Which one is you?" Arguably the funniest 10 seconds in film history, and a line WAY ahead of it's time. James Pobog (Santa Ana) |
February 9th 2017 My Aunt grew up in Limassol Cyprus. Andreas (London) |
February 2nd 2017 Greetings from Greece, recently their films are played again by national television, decades since we last watched them as kids. In Greek they were nicknamed "Hondros Lignos" ("Fat guy - Thin guy"). Stan is currently trying to cheat on his wife and go out drinking with Oliver, while she is listening to their plans from the other telephone :) So many years later, all their stories are as new as if they were shot yesterday. Isn't this wonderful ? Dimitris (Greece) |
January 28th 2017 I was born in 1942 and remember being taken to the music halls with an old aunt who adored both the music hall and me. One of the music halls we often visited was the Brixton Empress, but there were several others. I have a distinct memory of seeing Laurel and Hardy on stage around about 1950. Possibly at the Brixton Empress. I know that they toured England at some stage but am not sure where and when. Can anybody help me to fill in some of the gaps which are caused by old age. David Hart (London, England) |
January 19th 2017 Hi I purchased a old picture frames and in the back in found a poster.the poster is on card and The Mr Alan Renshaw (England) |
January 15 th 2017 Stan and olli was and is the best was comedie the world give of all time roland a |
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